Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why Do I Feel Wet Week Before Period But Not Wet

June: Projection the documentary "In the minor mode"

screening of a documentary "minor mode"

Presented by Emile Léonardon Greg Davy

Smallholder agriculture American countries Latin tends to disappear under the yoke of economic mechanisms and local and global policies. Food sovereignty is threatened by open borders resulting from the various free trade agreements: local products as they can be competitive with imported products when the productivity of agriculture in the United States is 200 times greater the south? In the global context, the short-term vision has taken precedence and there is a mineral resources management. It was after 10 months of filming in Mexico to southern Chile, to meet farmers, rural communities, researchers, anthropologists and archaeologists, and Emile Léonardon Greg Davy present their documentary in minor.

Friday, June 11 at 18:30

House Latin America

217, Boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 - Paris


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