oral to RISE CENSIER (displayed in room 209)
Hours pass focntion reworked in the number of students
8H. Roman Robert
8 H 20 Miss Lespagnol
8H 40 Alisson Petillot
14 H 14 H
Vigniel Miss 20 Miss Lungyeki
14 H 40 M. Cheron
15 H 15 H Miss Padjemi
20 Mile Hilly
16H Miss Stais
16 H 20 Miss Barry
16 H 40 17 Nguyen
Miss H Tavitian
17 H 20 Diane Wahl cf
17 H 40 Miss Bonardi
Bring your duty. It may serve as a basis for discussion. The oral
focus on the concept of "television culture" from the cases discussed in the classroom, including at presentations.
NOTE: The course takes place in the morning. It is provided by Ms. Cohen. Blog
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