recently released memoirs Successful defenses preparation of the defense .
The viva lasts 30/40 minutes. For 10 minutes you present your work. Needless to reconsider the conclusions: we've read. Rather, tell how you found the subject adjusted the problem, find sources, selected bibliography of reference. Indicate where you worked, your difficulties, mistakes, setbacks, enter your results in a broader perspective (what could be done in the same area of research).
Then we comment on your text and we are asking you questions. Can we give you a note.
You can already indicate in your application files that your memory was presented.
-------- Memories directed by C. Bertho Lavenir Andrea Fernandez
T héâtre, Internet and democratization evolution of media and communication strategies theaters. JURY: Yves Morvan and C. BERTHO LAVENIR date: Monday, June 14 17 H 30 RV Room 209 Madalena Antunes Innovation in sitcoms of the 90s: study Dream on and Seinfeld JURY: C. Bertho Lavenir and Francois Jost date: Monday, June 21 10 H
Dell'Oste Alice
adaptations of Madame Bovary : Issues receiving J URY: C. Bertho Lavenir and Annie van Praet date: Tuesday, June 15 11H
De Souza Gomes
capitulatory , interbreeding of expression in a series Brazilian URY J: C. Bertho Lavenir and Francois Jost Date: Monday, June 21 10 H 40 Gonzaga Jonas G.
Aesthetics and co-production between France and Brazil: 1998-2007 J URY: C Bertho Laven and Bruno Pequignot
date: Tuesday, June 15 10 H 15 Room 304 Chop Audrey
The brownfield redevelopment in cultural spaces-House USW and the CentQuatre Farm Buisson
J URY: C. Lavenir Bertho and C. Camart DATE OF DEFENSE: Wednesday, June 23 8: 30 am Room 301 Laure Le Goff
Can you read Boris Vian to adulthood? Boris Vian and youth URY J: C. Bertho Lavenir and S. Ratto DATE OF VIVA Friday, June 18 8 H Leloup Velay Lois
Between Tradition and Modernity: the representation of women in Italian cinema of the 1960s JURY. C BERTHO LAVENIR BRUNO Péquignot
date: Monday, June 14 9H 30
Lespagnol Celine
Reliability Tables Appendix V of independent cinema. Analysis of the action of ACID J URY: C. Bertho Lavenir and Bruno Pequignot date: Monday, June 14 10H 15 The Dard Nadège
The Louvre in Lens, what compatibility? J URY: C Bertho Lavenir and Cecile Camart Date: Wednesday, June 23 10 H Sonia Le Gall
Visit fiction. Practices and perspectives of literary tourism URY J: C. Bertho Lavenir date: Wednesday, June 23 9H 15 Magnet Julie
limits of acceptability in cartoons on French television. The sample Dragon Ball Z J URY: C Bertho Lavenir and Francois Jost DATE OF DEFENSE: Monday, June 21: 11am 20 Morier Alexandra The Triumph of the Will and The Gods of the stadium -reception and reappropriation in France in the 1930s JURY : C. Bertho Lavenir and B. Pequignot date: Tuesday, June 15 11H 45 room 304
Miss Padjemi
feminine identity and American series
JURY: C. Bertho Lavenir and Bruno Pequignot DATE OF DEFENSE : Monday, July 5 8 H
Chloé Servel
Building Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu as author in the international field of cinema URY J: C. Bertho Lavenir and Bruno Pequignot date: Monday, June 14 11H 15 Stais Ioanna
The founding myths of America in teen TV drama J URY: C Bertho Lavenir and Francois Jost date: Monday 21 June 12 H 40 Vigniel Tiphaine
processes of star: the star after the star system. 1950-1972 J URY: C. Bertho Lavenir and B. Pequignot date: Tuesday, June 15 8H Voisin Madeleine
The construction of an author by the French critics. The case of Hayao Miyazaki J URY: Bertho Lavenir C and B. Pequignot DATE OF DEFENSE : Tuesday, June 15 8H 45 ---------------- Memoirs headed by Mr. JOST Helena Chevallerais r
The Road Movies .. .
date: Monday, June 21 14 H
Julie Haffner . ...
Audiovisual jail date: Monday, June 21 14 H 40
Miss Hilly
JURY: Bruno Pequignot and C. Bertho Lavenir
date: Monday, July 5 8 H 30
Navy Dubertrand .
culture on television. the particular case of chain ela Arte DATE OF DEFENSE Monday, June 21 15H 20
Remy Cheron ... Star Trek
date: Monday, June 21 ... 16 H
------------------------ Memoirs headed by Mr. Pequignot Anne Sophie Avice
Mediation literary example of special events DATE OF DEFENSE : Monday, June 14 8H Colas
DATE OF DEFENSE ; Monday, May 21 8H Matilda Hamart
Free Jazz
DATE OF DEFENSE : Monday June 14 8H 45
Simon Urban
The comix or adolescence of a kind DEFENSE DATE: Monday, June 14 11H 45 White
date: Monday, May 21 9H 30 ---------------------------------------------- Memories directed by Ms. Camart Ekaterina Shishkina
relationships between design and the French regions date: Wednesday, June 23 10H 45