Monday, May 31, 2010

Invitation Wording 16th


L Association lupuna is pleased to invite you to Day of the Peruvian Amazon

We will present various activities related to the Amazon and Peru:

photo exhibition animat ions for children; presentation associations engaged in the Amazon forest; presentation of Peruvian products; exhibition and sale of books and Peruvian handicrafts; films; traditional music; tasting of typical dishes of Peru.

Sunday, June 20 14:00 to 22:00
Maison des Associations 15th arrondissement 22 rue de la Sidon, 75015 - Paris.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Why Do I Feel Wet Week Before Period But Not Wet

June: Projection the documentary "In the minor mode"

screening of a documentary "minor mode"

Presented by Emile Léonardon Greg Davy

Smallholder agriculture American countries Latin tends to disappear under the yoke of economic mechanisms and local and global policies. Food sovereignty is threatened by open borders resulting from the various free trade agreements: local products as they can be competitive with imported products when the productivity of agriculture in the United States is 200 times greater the south? In the global context, the short-term vision has taken precedence and there is a mineral resources management. It was after 10 months of filming in Mexico to southern Chile, to meet farmers, rural communities, researchers, anthropologists and archaeologists, and Emile Léonardon Greg Davy present their documentary in minor.

Friday, June 11 at 18:30

House Latin America

217, Boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 - Paris

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How To Detect Sony Vaio Webcam

recently released memoirs Successful defenses

preparation of the defense .
The viva lasts 30/40 minutes. For 10 minutes you present your work. Needless to reconsider the conclusions: we've read. Rather, tell how you found the subject adjusted the problem, find sources, selected bibliography of reference. Indicate where you worked, your difficulties, mistakes, setbacks, enter your results in a broader perspective (what could be done in the same area of research).
Then we comment on your text and we are asking you questions. Can we give you a note.
You can already indicate in your application files that your memory was presented.
Memories directed by C. Bertho Lavenir
Andrea Fernandez
T héâtre, Internet and democratization
evolution of media and communication strategies theaters.
date: Monday, June 14 17 H 30 RV Room 209

Madalena Antunes
Innovation in sitcoms of the 90s: study Dream on and Seinfeld
JURY: C. Bertho Lavenir and Francois Jost
date: Monday, June 21 10 H

Dell'Oste Alice
adaptations of Madame Bovary : Issues receiving
J URY: C. Bertho Lavenir and Annie van Praet
date: Tuesday, June 15 11H

De Souza Gomes
capitulatory , interbreeding of expression in a series Brazilian
URY J: C. Bertho Lavenir and Francois Jost
Date: Monday, June 21 10 H 40

Gonzaga Jonas G.
Aesthetics and co-production between France and Brazil: 1998-2007
J URY: C Bertho Laven and Bruno Pequignot
date: Tuesday, June 15 10 H 15 Room 304

Chop Audrey
The brownfield redevelopment in cultural spaces-House USW and the CentQuatre Farm Buisson

J URY: C. Lavenir Bertho and C. Camart
DATE OF DEFENSE: Wednesday, June 23 8: 30 am Room 301

Laure Le Goff
Can you read Boris Vian to adulthood? Boris Vian and youth
URY J: C. Bertho Lavenir and S. Ratto
DATE OF VIVA Friday, June 18 8 H

Leloup Velay Lois
Between Tradition and Modernity: the representation of women
in Italian cinema of the 1960s
date: Monday, June 14 9H 30

Lespagnol Celine
Reliability Tables Appendix V of independent cinema. Analysis of the action of ACID
J URY: C. Bertho Lavenir and Bruno Pequignot
date: Monday, June 14 10H 15

The Dard Nadège
The Louvre in Lens, what compatibility?
J URY: C Bertho Lavenir and Cecile Camart
Date: Wednesday, June 23 10 H

Sonia Le Gall
Visit fiction. Practices and perspectives of literary tourism
URY J: C. Bertho Lavenir
date: Wednesday, June 23 9H 15

Magnet Julie
limits of acceptability in cartoons on French television.
The sample Dragon Ball Z
J URY: C Bertho Lavenir and Francois Jost
DATE OF DEFENSE: Monday, June 21: 11am 20

Morier Alexandra
The Triumph of the Will and The Gods of the stadium -reception and reappropriation in France in the 1930s
JURY : C. Bertho Lavenir and B. Pequignot
date: Tuesday, June 15 11H 45 room 304

Miss Padjemi
feminine identity and American series
JURY: C. Bertho Lavenir and Bruno Pequignot
DATE OF DEFENSE : Monday, July 5 8 H

Chloé Servel
Building Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu as author in the international field of cinema
URY J: C. Bertho Lavenir and Bruno Pequignot
date: Monday, June 14 11H 15

Stais Ioanna
The founding myths of America in teen TV drama
J URY: C Bertho Lavenir and Francois Jost
date: Monday 21 June 12 H 40

Vigniel Tiphaine
processes of star: the star after the star system. 1950-1972
J URY: C. Bertho Lavenir and B. Pequignot
date: Tuesday, June 15 8H

Voisin Madeleine
The construction of an author by the French critics.
The case of Hayao Miyazaki
J URY: Bertho Lavenir C and B. Pequignot
DATE OF DEFENSE : Tuesday, June 15 8H 45

Memoirs headed by Mr. JOST
Helena Chevallerais r
... The Road Movies .. .
date: Monday, June 21 14 H

Julie Haffner
. ... Audiovisual jail
date: Monday, June 21 14 H 40

Miss Hilly
JURY: Bruno Pequignot and C. Bertho Lavenir
date: Monday, July 5 8 H 30

Navy Dubertrand .
culture on television. the particular case of chain ela Arte
DATE OF DEFENSE Monday, June 21 15H 20

Remy Cheron
... Star Trek
date: Monday, June 21 ... 16 H
Memoirs headed by Mr. Pequignot

Anne Sophie Avice
Mediation literary example of special events
DATE OF DEFENSE : Monday, June 14 8H

DATE OF DEFENSE ; Monday, May 21 8H

Matilda Hamart
Free Jazz

DATE OF DEFENSE : Monday June 14 8H 45

Simon Urban
The comix or adolescence of a kind
DEFENSE DATE: Monday, June 14 11H 45

date: Monday, May 21 9H 30
Memories directed by Ms. Camart
Ekaterina Shishkina

relationships between design and the French regions
date: Wednesday, June 23 10H 45

What Do It Mean To Dream Being On A Floating Bed

a Master course "Ethics and Politics"; examination confirmed; remedial deleted

The final part e / review of this course will be the Wednesday, May 19 th from 15 H to 17 H in the classroom. There will be two essay topics to choose to be treated within two hours. Topics resume themes being worked: responsibility, commitment, confidence. Review the lecture notes posted on the site ad hoc and everything will be fine.

Note: As mentioned at the last catch up in the morning is deleted (I'm attending a sales outstanding university)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Beautician Cover Letters

Review "Television Culture" Friday, May 21 New Time-

oral to RISE CENSIER (displayed in room 209)
Hours pass focntion reworked in the number of students
8H. Roman Robert
8 H 20 Miss Lespagnol
8H 40 Alisson Petillot
14 H 14 H
Vigniel Miss 20 Miss Lungyeki
14 H 40 M. Cheron
15 H 15 H Miss Padjemi
20 Mile Hilly
16H Miss Stais
16 H 20 Miss Barry
16 H 40 17 Nguyen
Miss H Tavitian
17 H 20 Diane Wahl cf
17 H 40 Miss Bonardi
Bring your duty. It may serve as a basis for discussion. The oral
focus on the concept of "television culture" from the cases discussed in the classroom, including at presentations.

NOTE: The course takes place in the morning. It is provided by Ms. Cohen. Blog

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Seafarer Medical Certificate Eng1

May 22: Stories from South America and elsewhere

"Tales from South America and elsewhere" to accompany a taste.

Presented by Marie Boissonneau and Sthéphani Good

Saturday, May 22 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

All audiences: adults and children

House Associations of the 15th arrondissement

22 rue de la Sidon, 75015 - Paris

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Power Rangers Mighty Belt Buckle

investigators search for sociological inquiry

An opportunity to be associated (e) a research paper I extend
The Research Team on Social Inequalities Centre Maurice Halbwachs
search for the months of May and June students
Masters / PhD working on the theme of family, possibly in connection with
social law, to conduct a survey of
parents of children in the department of Essonne (
survey commissioned by the Council).

The volume of investigations conducted by each interviewer can be modulated according
availability of each, provided they spend at least

If any of you are interested, please contact Serge Paugam
, Director of ERIS at the following address:


Nicolas Nicolas Duvoux

lecturer in sociology at the University of Paris Descartes (CERL)