Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why Does My Sensor Light Stay On

Dear readers, dear readers

lupuna The team would like to wish you and yours, best wishes for 2011.

We are pleased to make available our cultural and humanitarian activities ..

February 15 : Screening of film "Nuestro Peru" (Our Peru)
March to June 2011 : Workshop in English and Brazilian Portuguese.
January to June 2011 : Workshop Kechua (language of the Incas).
Information: 01 47 23 31 49

Botanical Garden Chaikoni Jonibo located in the heart of the Amazon Selva of Peru in San Francisco community Yarinacocha on the banks of the Ucayali River in the region of the same name.

Cervix Position During Ovulation Images

February 2011: Screening of "Nuestro Peru" (Our Peru)

Nuestro Peru. Reflections on a social divide
Director Laurent La Rosa

Travel is always thinking engine. A trip to a developing country is probably even more. Peru is one of those countries where economic growth has sometimes reached in recent years, more than 8%. But this is not what strikes the traveler. What is striking are the differences between populations.
built in three parts the movie is trying to immerse the viewer in Peruvian culture. This is a first step to lay the groundwork by introducing the economic and historical context with stakeholders, experts in the fields of economic history and the auto market. Then the immersion is possible. Immersion in a people in a situation: immersion in the slums of Lima. First with Pedro, a memorable encounter with this worker uptown. Then with an NGO that helps slum dwellers by allowing a meeting with privileged students who volunteer will build their houses.
Within the last part, stakeholders attempt to provide solutions that enable a company to improve, in this instance to escape the widespread poverty that confronts every day to another sphere, neighbor, taking full advantage of a Peru, which opens to the world.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

House Latin America
217, Boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 - Paris
Subway: Solferino - Rue du Bac / Bus:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Best Bang Bros Movies

C. Bertho Lavenir Weimar

The mansion built by Van de Velde, which houses the IKKM
information to colleagues and students: I am for the next six months IKKM in Weimar: Kolleg für Internationales und Kulturtechnikforschung Medienphilosophie

I continue to follow the work of
- my docs;
- M2 Research students who do their memory with me
- students of the Master of Journalism Neuchâtel.

They can contact me at the following address:
catherine.bertho-Lavenir @

or my new address to the Sorbonne
catherine.bertho-Lavenir @

To follow my work in the research center, refer to the program Collection on the internet "or its translation into English "The Art of Collecting on the Web" posted in the blog "Research and Publications."

Happy New Year! Blog