Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hotes Near Kmbd Chennai

January 22, 2011 Presentation of the novel: "INCA. The dream stolen"

Inca - The dream stolen
of Mario Turpo Choquehuanca

Member of the Casa Andina and the Association Inca Lognes

1532. English conquistadors invaded South America, plundering its riches, and in some years, subject its occupants, the famous Inca . There followed a long and violent process of colonization, the newcomers making every effort to eradicate the culture of "Indians", their souls, their spirituality and their beliefs, accusing them of being evil. Nearly five centuries later, the Indians are still here. They are, by region, Kechua , Aymara, or Amazon. Endangered, struggling daily to preserve their ancestral way of life and continue to live on their land, they do not always confess defeat. Thus, in the Quechua community of Aswan Karu , Peru, a handful of diehards Indians will have to battle with the notable Latin American from the nearby town of San Cristobal . Led by their leader, Don Igtu , they have much to do to thwart the dark plans of Lieutenant Frisancho, power hungry and proud supporter of the Western cause. All rally, former rebels to Young still attracted by the sirens of modernity, through the mothers charismatic and rebellious servants exploited by settlers. That will be heard? What will the weapons and wiles of each? The magic Kechua , prayers and other ceremonies mysterious sufficient? Can we trust the women leaders, so rich but so unhappy? How far will the betrayal of each other?

S aturday January 22 2011 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Tram line 3 - Georges Brassens
Bus No. 62 (Charles Valin), 89 (Georges Brassens) or 80
(Vaugirard Croix Nivert) / Metro Convention Lig NE 12


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