Thursday, September 9, 2010

Female Doc Inspecting A Penis

Screening of documentary on "The Prophecy Piatsaw"

Projection documentary on "The Prophecy Piatsaw " Pierre Bessard

film in color, 2005, all public - Duration: 0 h 54

Featuring Anne Gaël Bilhaut

This documentary is dedicated to a people in danger: Zaparo. This ethnic Indian living in the heart of the Amazon rainforest on the border of Ecuador and Peru. The founder of the village, Piatsaw, predicted his demise from the outset. We discover how Zaparo is fighting to make this prophecy does not fulfilled. The film takes us into the fascinating journey of a woman Zapara through several Indian communities in Peru. She goes in search of his roots to strengthen the culture of his people, his identity and perhaps escape the terrible prophecy ...

Friday, September 17, 2010 18:30 8:30 p.m.

House Latin America

217, Boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 - Paris

Metro: Solferino - Rue du Bac / Buses:


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