Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sheet Music Biffy Mountains

January 21, 2011 Screening of movie "The Belly of Women"

The Belly Women
Documentary investigation ( 90 min)
directed by Matilda Damoisel

On behalf of the eradication of poverty and development, many Peruvian women have been hit by a deliberate policy of birth control, their horns ligated irreversibly, in defiance of their consent, in precarious and dangerous to their health. Dozens of women have died of their sterilization.
Thousands are now in irreversible sequelae. And their families live, always in poverty and denial of their rights. "They asked me nothing, they took me like an animal in the operating room. They said: "We cared for thee that thou hast more children. Never again. " The woman who utters these words is called Yoni . It's one of those 300,000 were Peruvian sterilized between 1995 and 2000, all farmers in the Andean highlands and Amazon jungle, India, illiterate, poor ...

Friday 21 January 2011 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

House Latin America
217, Boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 - Paris
Subway: Solferino - Rue du Bac / Buses:

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hotes Near Kmbd Chennai

January 22, 2011 Presentation of the novel: "INCA. The dream stolen"

Inca - The dream stolen
of Mario Turpo Choquehuanca

Member of the Casa Andina and the Association Inca Lognes

1532. English conquistadors invaded South America, plundering its riches, and in some years, subject its occupants, the famous Inca . There followed a long and violent process of colonization, the newcomers making every effort to eradicate the culture of "Indians", their souls, their spirituality and their beliefs, accusing them of being evil. Nearly five centuries later, the Indians are still here. They are, by region, Kechua , Aymara, or Amazon. Endangered, struggling daily to preserve their ancestral way of life and continue to live on their land, they do not always confess defeat. Thus, in the Quechua community of Aswan Karu , Peru, a handful of diehards Indians will have to battle with the notable Latin American from the nearby town of San Cristobal . Led by their leader, Don Igtu , they have much to do to thwart the dark plans of Lieutenant Frisancho, power hungry and proud supporter of the Western cause. All rally, former rebels to Young still attracted by the sirens of modernity, through the mothers charismatic and rebellious servants exploited by settlers. That will be heard? What will the weapons and wiles of each? The magic Kechua , prayers and other ceremonies mysterious sufficient? Can we trust the women leaders, so rich but so unhappy? How far will the betrayal of each other?

S aturday January 22 2011 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Tram line 3 - Georges Brassens
Bus No. 62 (Charles Valin), 89 (Georges Brassens) or 80
(Vaugirard Croix Nivert) / Metro Convention Lig NE 12

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Poptropica Golden Vase

M1 Course For students "Ethics and politics ..."

The link to the corresponding courses ppt "White Nights" languages dominated "and" folklore and music festivals "are now available.

must go on the blog specialization and a platform on which I just discovered the operation.
Congratulate me! CBL

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Kidde Co Detector Err Message

info on a proposed course: M1, urgent

Mélanie Levasseur, a student in M2 Pro, informed of the existence of an internship at a television production company that could interest a (e) student (e) of M1. Itself will be his internship in the second half, to another position.
She writes: "It seems important to note that although this is partly a fairly tedious and routine work, along with the librarian (Florence Grosjean) I was able to attend all filming TV shows that are coming, and to move and explore many areas of broadcasting. It is through this freedom of discovery that I got the internship this year as an assistant editorial ... Also, I highly recommend this course, which was very fulfilling for me. "

Stage posted on Profilculture :

Job Title Company / Organization contract Place Date
Documentation Telepar Paris 17th Stage 17/11/10

; Sector: Audiovisual

Company Description / agency
Telepar, audiovisual production company, produces The Earthlings Hi, Facing the French, Paris Last, The Music Box, The Circle ...

Description the position. URGENT Research (an) intern documentation text
Daily Press Review from newspapers and magazines to feed a data bank under FileMakerPro
Preparing files for emissions
Possibility to attend filming

description of the desired profile
Convention compulsory internship
Full time or part-time

Date of function

Salary envisaged
300 or 400 euros per month if + / - 3 months

Paris 17e

Vacancy Reference

course documentation and here is the address of Florence Grosjean : @ f.grosjean

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Does Maggie Cause Impotency

Year's Eve Party

J-20 before Christmas!

Have you thought about doing your shopping?
lupuna look forward to seeing you this Saturday, December 11 between 18h and 21h home associations of the 15th arrondissement.

Exhibition and sale of Peruvian handicrafts . This sale will benefit the activities of the Association lupuna for organizing events to develop its cultural and humanitarian activities in Peru.

We share together a mix of year-end .
Come! Soon,

Location: Maison des associations
15th arrondissement 22 rue de la
SAÏDA-75015 Paris
Tram line 3 - Georges Brassens
Bus No. 62 (Charles Valin), 89 (Georges Brassens) or 80
(Cross-Vaugirard Nivert) / Metro Convention Line 12

Friday, November 19, 2010

Uk Driving Licence Free Template

An interesting conference organized by our competitors ... and friends

International Symposium / Round Tables


University of Versailles / Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)
30 November - 1 December 2010 st

Tuesday, November 30, 2010.

Registration of participants at the symposium: hall Vauban 47 bd Vauban in Guyancourt (from 8.30).

am: Plenary framing on the general theme of the conference (Amphi 2, Vauban)

9.00: Opening by the Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council with the Director of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Director and the Director of Cemotev SACIM ...

Chair / moderator: Claude Serfati (Cemotev / UVSQ)

9.15: Eugenio Yunis (Vice-Chairman of FEDETUR, Chile): Issues of international cooperation for sustainable and responsible tourism. International initiatives and modalities of implementation.

10.00: Pause.

10h15: Gilles Beville (Chargé de mission, MAE / Chairman of the Association for Tourism Fair and Solidarity): The role associations in promoting tourism in solidarity with the South
11:00: Daniel Hiernaux (Autonomous Metropolitan University Iztapalapa, Mexico): Development of tourism models. Local issues and international cooperation.

11:45: Debate

12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lunch
Afternoon: 4 parallel workshops (from 14:00)

Workshop 1 (room xxx) institutional framework and actors of international cooperation for responsible tourism. What implications for what cooperation?
Chair / moderator: Jean Cartier Bresson (Cemotev / UVSQ)
Rapporteur: Bernard Schéou (Cemotev / University Perpignan)
- Christian Girault (CREDA / CNRS): Challenges for Responsible Tourism at the time of globalization.
- Ghislain Dubois (Cemotev / UVSQ): Saving the environment or fight against poverty? Towards a new hierarchy of international cooperation in tourism.
- Enrique Hernandez Lopez (CREDA / Paris 3): The role of responsible tourism relationships at the heart of international cooperation among member countries of the Organization of the Mayan World.
- Terence Keller Andrade (CREDA / Paris 3): Actors of ecotourism in the Brazilian Amazon. International cooperation towards a logic of resource.
- Eduardas Spiriajevas (University of Klaipeda, Lithuania): Lithuania & the Baltic Sea Region: Regional Cooperation and New Emerging destinations in Europe's international tourism market.

Workshop 2 (Room xxx) from local to global. International cooperation, terms of tourism development and territorial integration in the global tourism industry.
Chair / moderator: Velut Sebastian (CREDA / Paris 3)
Reporters: Daniel Hiernaux (UAM), Denis Requier-Desjardins (LEREPS / IEP Toulouse)
- Christine Gargasson (consultant MaHoC): Ethical Issues for international cooperation in tourism. How to reconcile territorial identity and modernity?
- Arnoldo Pirela (LIA consultant / Central University of Venezuela): International cooperation and new approach tourism in an oil country.
- Vladimir Mejia Ayala (ESO-CARTA / University of Angers): Territories and indigenous tourism. Sharing the difficult areas in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
- Rodrigo Figueroa (Catholic University of Valparaiso): El programa como estrategia MaB of valorización turística de los territorios de Chile fragile.
- Roger Joseph Bergeret (School of Tourism / Autonomous University of Guerrero): Influence of models and international cooperation on tourism dynamics in Acapulco and surrounding surroundings.

Workshop 3 (Room xxx) Change assessment, indicators and feedback on experiences of international cooperation for responsible tourism. How to identify good practices?
President Session / Moderator: Jean-Francois Noel (Cemotev)
Reporters: Vincent Geronimi (Cemotev / UVSQ), Elodie Salin (ESO / Univ. Maine )
- John Paul Minvielle (IRD): The policies for responsible tourism: ethical or aesthetic responsibility?
- Amandine Southon (Cemotev / UVSQ): What role for actors in the South in the setting of criteria for responsible tourism? Challenges and limitations of a participatory assessment tool Franco-African.
- Boris Viallet (NGOs Acting for Life): Indicators of sustainable tourism for the SOHO and SME tourism in LDCs and DCs ;: selection, evaluation and impact.
- Djohary Andrianambinina (Cemotev / UVSQ): Impacts, challenges and prospects for ecotourism development in Madagascar. Ratings.

Workshop 4 (Room xxx) transfers of skills, local participation and decision making. What form of governance responsible for a project of international cooperation in the field of tourism?
Chair / moderator: Alain Vanneph (Cemotev / UVSQ)
Reporters: David Dumoulin (CREDA / Paris 3), Ghislain Dubois (Cemotev / UVSQ)
- ; Elena Ciccozzi (CREDA / Paris3): As for the donors: the life cycle of governance and ecotourism.
- Daouda Tall (Authentis Council): Cooperation internationale et tourisme responsible. Les conditions de l'efficacité.
- Milagros Hernandez (Université Nationale de Guyane Expérimentale / LIA, Venezuela): An approach for strengthening local management of tourism projects the framework of international cooperation. The situation in Ciudad Bolivar.
- Rafael Noreña (consultant / guide de tourisme): Training as a strategy for responsible tourism. USAID learned experiences in protected areas of Mexico.

Mercredi 1 er décembre 2010.

Matinée: 4 ateliers parallèle (à partir de 9h00)

Atelier 2a (salle xxx): du local au global. Coopération internationale, Modalités of valorisation tourism and territorial integration in the global tourism industry.
Chair / moderator: John Paul Minvielle (IRD)
Reporters: Daniel Hiernaux (UAM), Denis Requier -Desjardins (LEREPS / IEP Toulouse)
- Duterme Clara (LISST / Mirail University): The tourist route map as access. Development of a local discourse itself for tourists and international aid.
- Ndikou Gaye (University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar): Role of international cooperation in the joint development and tourism in a protected area in Senegal: the example of marine protected Bamboung in the Saloum delta
- Eric Kouakou Guy (University of Liege, Belgium): The constraints of the valuation of ecotourism Ehotilé Islands National Park (South-East coast of Côte d'Ivoire)
- ; Ngar-Odjilo Maraba (University of N'Djamena, Chad): Eco tourism on the margins. Enhancement Initiative to a territory in southwestern Chad.
- Discussion and preparation of the synthesis of workshop 1

Workshop 2b (Room xxx) from local to global. International cooperation, terms of tourism development and territorial integration in the global tourism industry.
Chair / moderator: Arnoldo Pirela (LIA / Cendes-UCV)
Reporters: Daniel Hiernaux (UAM) Denis Requier-Desjardins (LEREPS / IEP Toulouse)
- Jacques Le Marec (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Employment, the Tourism sector Office of International Partnerships): The implementation of projects of solidarity tourism for local development in Central America "
- Requier-Denis Desjardins (LEREPS, IEP Toulouse): Rural tourism / promotion of typical products in America latine: Quelles options de coopération internationale?
- Jorge Negrete (Université Catholique de Valparaiso, Chile): New destinations / nature tourism products and special interests for the region of Valparaiso.
- Taunay Benjamin (Université d'Angers): Potentialités villageois, tourisme et développement durable et solidaire à responsible Tangshangtun (Guangxi, China).
- Discussion and preparation of the synthesis of workshop 2

Workshop 3 (Room xxx ) Change assessment, indicators and feedback on experiences of international cooperation for responsible tourism. How to identify good practices?
Chair / moderator: Christian Helion (UVSQ)
Reporters: Vincent Geronimi (Cemotev / UVSQ), Elodie Salin (ESO / Univ. Maine)
- Christel Venzal (SET Lab / University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour): International cooperation and sustainable community tourism: analysis experience Geopark Network.
- Brianso Isabelle (AAJ / UVSQ): The development of cultural and natural Cuitzeo city and its region (State of Michoacán Mexico) in the framework of bilateral cooperation of good practice.
- Laura Martinez Rubio (Blue Plan): Network of actors and indicators for sustainable tourism in the framework of regional cooperation Mediterranean .
- Discussion and preparation of the synthesis of workshop 3

Workshop 4 (Room xxx): transfers of skills, local participation and decision making. What form of governance responsible for a project of international cooperation in the field of tourism?
Chair / moderator: Christian Girault (CREDA / CNRS)
Reporters: David Dumoulin (CREDA / Paris 3), Ghislain Dubois (Cemotev / UVSQ)
- ; Yamine El Soum and Yves Queguiner (CRT Ile de France): The development of tourism expertise francilienne through decentralized cooperation.
- Jean-Paul Amat (University of Paris 4, Patricia Fraile (Mines Paris Tech), Jerome Pelenc (CREDA / Paris 3): Networks of tourism stakeholders in Ile de France: What synergies local and international ?
- Sébastien Gadal (OVSQ / UVSQ): GIS - approaches and integrative tools of development projects and enhancement of tourism international multi- actors.
- Arturo Moreno (LIA consultant, Venezuela): Reflections on the creation of an observatory for tourism projects in the framework of international cooperation.
- Discussion the préparation et synthèse de l'atelier 4

12.00 -14h00: Déjeuner
Après-midi : Table ronde finale et Plénière (From 14h)

14:00: Organization of Round Tables and distribution of participants
three multi-stakeholder round tables are programmed with the idea of promoting a federation of regional observatories on tourism and its impacts.

1) Latin America Regional Round Table on "community tourism and international cooperation" (room xxx). Reflection around the case of Ciudad Bolivar and the Orinoco basin / other experiences in Latin America.
Coordination: Arnoldo Pirela (LIA / Cendes-UCV), Christine Gargasson (MaHoC)
Speakers: Ministry of Tourism of Venezuela, Ricardo Vitanza (COPDACBI, tourism, Municipe Heres), Arturo Moreno (LIA), Marisa Cova (UNEG / CENDES).
Discussants: Jacques Le Marec (Ministry Economy / tourism), Leonardo Maramara (Municipe Heres), Alain Hajjaj (CASQY), Jean-Marie Tétart (CG 78) ...
Frame Round Table:
Tourism and Community Tourism in Venezuela, local context of the Edo Bolívar and Ciudad Bolívar, legal, institutional, governance and local participation in the center history of Ciudad Bolivar, role of training ... Observatories and regional integration of tourism data.
Questions / comments by the audience related topics discussed.

2) Africa Round Table (Room xxx): micro-responsible tourism projects for cooperation and solidarity for sustainable development territories.
Coordination : Gilles Beville (MAE) Bernard Schéou (Univ. Perpignan / Cemotev)
Speakers: John Paul Minvielle (IRD), Julien Buot (ATES), Amandine Southon (Cemotev / UVSQ), Henri Dalbis (ICD Africa) ...
Discussants: Jacques Quensière (IRD), Jean-François Noël (Cemotev / UVSQ), Daouda Tall (Authenthis Council) Ndickou Gaye (University Cheikh Anta Diop), Ngar-Odjilo Maraba (University of N'Djamena)
Frame Round Table:
How to optimize the benefits of a micro-tourism project responsibility and solidarity to create a dynamic of development? How to spread over larger territories? With what means? How to implement? Relations with local authorities can enter into this framework.
Observatories and regional integration of tourism data.
Questions / comments by the audience related topics discussed.

3) Roundtable on decentralized cooperation for tourism development in protected areas peri (room xxx) intermunicipal corridor of sustainable development of the Metropolitan Area of Salta (Salta Province / Champagne-Ardenne), network MaB (La Campana RB / RB Fontainebleau)
Coordination: Eugenio Yunis (Fedetur), Didier Ramousse (Cemotev / UVSQ).
Intervenants: Francisco Lopez Sastre (Min. Environnement, Salta), Jorge Negrete (PUCV / RB La Campana), Jérome Pelenc (CREDA / RB Fontainebleau).
Discutants: Champagne-Ardenne Représentant (?), Patricia Fraile (Mines Paris Tech / RB Fontainebleau), the Soum Yamine (CRT Ile de France), Marie de Naurois (APPVPA) Jean-Pascal Dumas (CASQY), Sébastien veluto (CREDA / Paris 3), Liudmila Zamorshchikova, Olga Melnichouk (Université fédérale du Nord-Est)

Frame Round Table:
Institutional and organizational aspects, issues and procedures for tourism development of natural and cultural heritage (joint public / private), objectives and mechanisms of cooperation ( decentralized cooperation networks Unesco, university networks), regional observatories and data integration on tourism: draft international campus.

17:00 Final Plenary: restitution of work in workshops / Roundtables Proposals for the creation of regional observatories on tourism and its impacts (Amphi 2, Vauban).
Chair / moderator: Jacques Quensière (IRD)
Summary Reports on the workshops (10 minutes per workshop)
Round Table: towards a federation of regional observatories on tourism?

19.00: Base de Loisirs de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (Room Geese)
Following the symposium Coopintour, Association for Tourism Fair and Solidarity (ATES) offers a nice evening on the theme of " participatory links between tourism and proximity (here) and tourism fair and supportive (there) .

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Similarities Between Future And Forward Contract

An internship or M2 PRO RESEARCH DOCTORATE even

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lightsheer Diode Laser For Sale

Encounters with professionals-A Reminder

Tuesday, November 16: We welcome Jean Michel Champault
Artists for African Development

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Woman Sitting On Man`s Stomach


to France Telecom, which should be as practical experience of M2 Pro adapting the lessons of January. Go see on page M2 PRO. Blog

Monday, November 1, 2010

Different Hair Colour Shampoo Wella

ad for an internship in the cultural department of Pontoise

Job Title: Organization Evènementiel
Company: City Hall Pontoise (95)

Contract: Internship (minimum of two months) full-time unpaid
Location: Pontoise (95300 ) - Val d'Oise
Date: Beginning in January 2011
Sector: Cultural Service of the City Hall Pontoise - Logistics Management course and events

Organization Description: The Cultural
City Hall Pontoise organizes many cultural events in line with the cultural politics of the city of Pontoise Cathedral (Baroque Festival, Piano Festival Campus, plays ,...) and the Chameleon, a new cultural space for accommodate today's music. In both venues, each year, two exhibitions are programmed, two big festivals and a score of shows and concerts.

Job Description:
⁃ Participation in the development of cultural projects (parts theater, concerts, exhibitions and festivals)
⁃ Tracking Logistics cultural events offered (organization of the event, receiving artists, tickets, search for new audiences)

Date making function: Beginning in January 2011
Deadline: January 1, 2011
Description Qualifications: Student (e) advanced (e) Cultural Mediation, Cultural Business Administration, Communication

; ⁃ Organizational capacity and strength
⁃ Creativity proposal
⁃ Ease editorial and relational
⁃ ; Autonomy
⁃ Proficiency in computer
⁃ Interest in the performing arts

Mailing Address Recruiter:
City Hall Pontoise
Cultural Service
Attention Miss Elodie Leroy
2 rue Victor Hugo 95300 Pontoise


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Best Mount&blade Mods 2010

Dear readers, dear readers

We wish you a good back personal and professional, and cultural activities and entertainment that our association is available.

November :
November 26: Presentation of the book "Las plantas medicinales Yanesha (Peruvian Amazon). With the participation of Celine Valadeau, REIA-CWA-CNRS.
October 8: Lecture: " El Nino and rugged visits Peru .
Delavaud Claude Collin, Professor Emeritus of Geography, Vice-President of the French Explorers Society. With audiovisual projection

October (8 to 11) Participation was the exhibition " Lille orchids .
October 2010 - February 2011 c bear English and Portuguese Brazil.
Information: 01 47 23 31 49

Apple Wood For Smoking In Michigan

November: Presentation of the book "Herbs Yanesha, Peruvian Amazon"

lupuna Association is pleased to invite you to presentation Book:

Yato'Ramuesh: Pare'Shemats Yanesha, plantas medicinales Yanesha, Peruvian Amazon.
Geneviève Bourdy Celine Valadeau-Alban-Joaquina del Castillo. IRD

Featuring Celine Valadeau, REIA-CNRS-LESC

YATO'RAMUESH: PARE'SHEMATS Yanesha is a catalog of medicinal plant species culturally important ethnic group of Yanesha Peruvian Amazonia (Dept. Oxapampa, Prov. PASCO). This is a field research in ethnobotany ethnopharmacology and performed from 2006 to 2008 in two communities whose members have agreed to share their knowledge. The authors were able to identify 297 botanical species (98 taxa), taking into account the classification Yanesha vernacular and traditional uses of these species. More than just a compilation of botanical information, this study could also be useful to anyone interested in culture Yanesha or the use of plants in the Amazon.

Friday, November 26, 2010 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

House Latin America
217, Boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 - Paris
Subway: Solferino - Rue du Bac / Buses:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How To Make A Shinobi Costume

response to Juliana

There is no course of M2 Research during the holidays. I'll try to find a date and a room to catch all the missed classes or moved ... In the meantime, if you have not taken this course last year read, please, prices posted for the course of M1 "Ethics and Politics." I'll create a blog "Special M2 Recherche "for this course. Yours. CBL

This book is in one of the amphitheatres of the Sorbonne
news. You have to find where.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How To Write A About New Baby

an internship for the former PRO-M2 young doctoral M2R.


Publication Date

Field Activity
Communication - Cultural mediation - PR - private sponsorship
Function Charge (e) mission: communication / production / exploration type
sponsorship contract internship
Date taken
I mmediate
Duration Minimum 4 months
Terms Full Time on the basis of 35 h (minimum time 3/5ème)
Languages French, English (if possible)
€ 410 allowance on the basis of an FTE.
Place du Quai Branly Museum - 222 rue de l'Université 75007 Paris
In spring 2002, the Friends has been working alongside the museum du quai Branly
to give up their entire civilizations and works of art
came from Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas. For four years, the vocation of the Society of Friends meeting
enthusiastic interest: today, more than 500 members,
individuals and companies in France and abroad, support and promote the museum
its influence. The purpose of the Friends is to assist the museum in
all of these tasks: acquisition or restoration works, promotion of
exhibitions and performances of the museum's program, to support
research and education, raise the generosity and commitment of major sponsors.
Our mission is also to participate and make the life of the museum, its collections, its
theater, its media. Friends of the museum, amateur enthusiasts or professionals, are being offered
lectures, tours and travel related news from
museum. These meetings are an extension of trade and enrichment that promotes
the Musée du Quai Branly, which is a place accessible to all to discover and share
world cultures.
Your tasks will include:
- ensuring the administrative and financial monitoring of adherence.
- developing the communication plan, develop communication media
- designing and organizing events (conferences, travel, tours, dinners)
- participate in prospecting for new donors
- editorial coordination of the Letter to Friends, Jokkoo

Student Profile (s) you are looking for an internship in the field of project management
cultural and / or sponsorship. With (e) a creative spirit, from writing skills, capabilities
synthesis, you are organized (e) rigorous (se) and methodical. Profile enthusiastic
autonomous and dynamic, you want to gain experience in a meaningful context
where you will be highly accountable. Contact

Send your application (CV + cover letter) to: Julie Arnoux
Delegate General: Information from Sylvie Ciochetto: 01 56 61 52 69

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Phrase Books For Stroke Victims


Tom Wesselmann, Still Life # 28 , 1963
- LICENSE 3 Cultural Mediation (Thursday)
Course " Cultural History," "Popular culture, mass culture ..." : for the program to open the blog in the cons column below or follow the link
- MASTER 1 Cultural Mediation (Wednesday)
Course "Ethics and Politics " : for the program, open the blog in the cons column below or follow the link
- Mediation cuturel MASTER 1 (Friday)
Course "television culture" : the program open the blog in the cons column below or follow the link
- MASTER 2 Pro Search (Tuesday evening)
Meet professionals ... for the program open the blog in the cons column below or follow the link

- Master 2 - 2 Tourism MASTER - MASTER 2 PRO "Ethics and Politics": real Upcoming

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Brother Mfc 490cw Service Manual

Students of the course on television ... follow the link

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Soapy Taste In Mouth Frequent Urination

MEMORIES-Support-A September 2010 conference in Bucharest

Dir C. Bertho Lavenir
jury as Pequignot
"Corps des images et expérience de la création»
Date: lundi 27 Septbr 10h15

you . F. Jost
Jury: C Bertho Lavenir
Date lundi 27 Septbr 16 H 30

WANG Shuliu
Dir C Bertho Lavenir
Jury B Pequignot
"Le mythe de la Provence"
DATE Lundi 27 Septbr 9H 45


Juanita Afanador Vargas
JURY Eve Brenelle
"Becoming the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity: the" Carnival of Blacks and Whites in Colombia
DATE: Wednesday, September 29 9H 30

F. Jury JOST
" Great Teacher Onizuka. An example of the changing international intermedia and Japanese manga "
DATE Monday 27 septbre 14 H 15

Deborah Dir Bruno Péquignot
"The merchants of films. Between trade and culture: methods, tools and techniques "
DATE Monday, September 27 11:15

GHAZI Anissa
Jury B. Péquignot
"The Film 104 ... when the field office invests the cultural field"
DATE Monday 27 septbre 10 H 45 GRANT

Dir. Frances C. CHATILLON
"The City of Valencia..."
DATE Mercredi 29 septbre 14 H 45

JIRIDAM ..   Pongsarkorn
Jury : C. CAMART
"Transexualité et culture en Thaïlande"
Date : jeudi 30 septembre, 12 H

Jury F. JOST
« La télévision comme outil de formation de l’identité culturelle européenne en France de 1980 à nos jours »
DATE lundi 27 septembre 15 H

MEIJAS Soledad
"The ritual of the Inti Raymi in the community in Ecuador Peguche"
DATE: Wednesday, September 29 8 H 45

Mommeja Julie
"From the laboratory culture of the sixties against the icon of popular culture. Festivals in Monterey, Woodstock and Altamont "
Date: Wednesday, 29 septbre 10H

"Cultural policy in the city of Barcelona
Date: Wed September 29 13H 30

Date: Wednesday, September 29 15H 30 (tbc)

"The Castle of Blandy-les-Tours. Political and symbolic restoration "
DATE: Monday, September 27 17 H 15

Scampini Louise
Dir. Serge Saada
DATE: Monday, September 27 18 H

WYBO Tanguy
Dir. Francis C. JOST
"Programs zapping test of the generic classification "
DATE: Monday, September 27 15 H 45

Reviews Heritage Cookware



Conference CLAUDE COLLIN Delavaud

Professor Emeritus of Geography - Vice-President of the French Explorers Society


Grand currents and marine hot, NIÑO from the South-East Asia hit by the northern coastal regions of Peru. Seen flooding, both by the ocean and storms in countless neighborhoods of cities built at low levels, walnut roads and bridges break even. But above all it covers rural areas and villages passing parts of a winter and spring underwater. Accompanied by photographs and film, this conference aims to show both its destructive action sometimes large farms came from the old haciendas. But NIÑO provides groundwater for two or three years in the beautiful and important coastal farming areas often very low. As wonderful small indigenous communities, established and well saved for old high terraces on non-flooded, if many are not irrigated, the NIÑO gives them a bright contribution to farm. But he did not present more than once a decade or even less.

Friday, October 8, 2010 6:30 p.m.

House Latin America

217, Boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 - Paris

Metro: Solferino - Rue du Bac / Buses: