Monday, August 31, 2009

Pierced Female Nipples

September Film "The Village of Artemio"

film directed and edited by Robin Dianoux.
Format 16:9 DVCAM. Duration: 1:37
Original English with French subtitles

Urco Mirano is a small Indian village in the Peruvian Amazon Yagua. Artemio is the leader and, as such he must lead his community to a new development. The resistors and bad experiences are not lacking, unfortunately. Yet it is committed to take their destiny in hand and does everything to draw for him and his family, a balanced path between tradition and modernity. Speeches, petitions and discussions are only part of the tools used to achieve his ends. Between daily life and actions to advance its projects, Artemio we follow in its dealings with members of his community.

Monday, September 14 at 18:30

House Latin America
217, Boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 - Paris
Subway: Solferino - Rue du Bac / Buses:


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