Friday, March 4, 2011

Antique Girdle Images

Hyundai Corporation Driver

Does Everyone Getpalipitations

Pomegranate Juice For A Fair Baby

Mexicanas Bellas Follando

Screen School of Applied Arts, Merignac / Manaa, Arts Technology & Civilization: CAPC Museum of Contemporary Art, exhibition Big Minis / / / / /

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Woke Up With Vomiting And Diarrhea

The 308 Bordeaux / Friday, March 4, 20:30 - free screening of the film hidden EHWA University of Seoul (Dominique Perrault architect) by Richard Copans , producer and director, known for the documentary series "Architectures" produced by ARTE / 9:05 p.m. - aperitif offered by the College of Architects / 22.00 - ARCHI PRIDE music, bar and restaurant on site (fee) in partnership with the Office of Student Graduate School of Architecture, Bordeaux /

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pain When Sleeping On Lower Left Side

Hair Cut Prices In Salon

Tin Box Gallery, Glasgow / Multiple Exposure # 1 / tabaramounien Multiples are art objects originals, resulting from close collaboration between artists Max Boufathal Anne Colomer, Celine Domenge, Anne-Marie Durou, Cathy Jardon, Lawrence and Claire Soubrier Deunff and graphic Yasmine and Damien Arnaud Madec / "It is spaces printed 50 x 70 cm, published in 30 copies, numbered and signed by the artist. These editions are conceived as a research published around the artist and the work-media. It is not reproduce existing works on paper, but a creation from a collaborative work. " /
Opening Friday, March 4 from 19:30 /

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What The Body System Does

Screen School of Applied Arts, Merignac / Visual Communication 2, studio ///// create

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Do I Disconnect Laptop Screen

Chupa me guapa! (8)

The Best Shoes For Clubfoot Infants

Cortex Athletico
Gallery, Glasgow / Exhibition Stephanie Cherpin, Katharina Fritsch, Charles Mason /////