University of Versailles / Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)
30 November - 1 December 2010 st
Tuesday, November 30, 2010.
Registration of participants at the symposium: hall Vauban 47 bd Vauban in Guyancourt (from 8.30).
am: Plenary framing on the general theme of the conference (Amphi 2, Vauban)
9.00: Opening by the Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council with the Director of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Director and the Director of Cemotev SACIM ...
Chair / moderator: Claude Serfati (Cemotev / UVSQ)
9.15: Eugenio Yunis (Vice-Chairman of FEDETUR, Chile): Issues of international cooperation for sustainable and responsible tourism. International initiatives and modalities of implementation.
10.00: Pause.
10h15: Gilles Beville (Chargé de mission, MAE / Chairman of the Association for Tourism Fair and Solidarity): The role associations in promoting tourism in solidarity with the South
11:00: Daniel Hiernaux (Autonomous Metropolitan University Iztapalapa, Mexico): Development of tourism models. Local issues and international cooperation.
11:45: Debate
12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Lunch
Afternoon: 4 parallel workshops (from 14:00)
Workshop 1 (room xxx) institutional framework and actors of international cooperation for responsible tourism. What implications for what cooperation?
Chair / moderator: Jean Cartier Bresson (Cemotev / UVSQ)
Rapporteur: Bernard Schéou (Cemotev / University Perpignan)
- Christian Girault (CREDA / CNRS): Challenges for Responsible Tourism at the time of globalization.
- Ghislain Dubois (Cemotev / UVSQ): Saving the environment or fight against poverty? Towards a new hierarchy of international cooperation in tourism.
- Enrique Hernandez Lopez (CREDA / Paris 3): The role of responsible tourism relationships at the heart of international cooperation among member countries of the Organization of the Mayan World.
- Terence Keller Andrade (CREDA / Paris 3): Actors of ecotourism in the Brazilian Amazon. International cooperation towards a logic of resource.
- Eduardas Spiriajevas (University of Klaipeda, Lithuania): Lithuania & the Baltic Sea Region: Regional Cooperation and New Emerging destinations in Europe's international tourism market.
Workshop 2 (Room xxx) from local to global. International cooperation, terms of tourism development and territorial integration in the global tourism industry.
Chair / moderator: Velut Sebastian (CREDA / Paris 3)
Reporters: Daniel Hiernaux (UAM), Denis Requier-Desjardins (LEREPS / IEP Toulouse)
- Christine Gargasson (consultant MaHoC): Ethical Issues for international cooperation in tourism. How to reconcile territorial identity and modernity?
- Arnoldo Pirela (LIA consultant / Central University of Venezuela): International cooperation and new approach tourism in an oil country.
- Vladimir Mejia Ayala (ESO-CARTA / University of Angers): Territories and indigenous tourism. Sharing the difficult areas in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
- Rodrigo Figueroa (Catholic University of Valparaiso): El programa como estrategia MaB of valorización turística de los territorios de Chile fragile.
- Roger Joseph Bergeret (School of Tourism / Autonomous University of Guerrero): Influence of models and international cooperation on tourism dynamics in Acapulco and surrounding surroundings.
Workshop 3 (Room xxx) Change assessment, indicators and feedback on experiences of international cooperation for responsible tourism. How to identify good practices?
President Session / Moderator: Jean-Francois Noel (Cemotev)
Reporters: Vincent Geronimi (Cemotev / UVSQ), Elodie Salin (ESO / Univ. Maine )
- John Paul Minvielle (IRD): The policies for responsible tourism: ethical or aesthetic responsibility?
- Amandine Southon (Cemotev / UVSQ): What role for actors in the South in the setting of criteria for responsible tourism? Challenges and limitations of a participatory assessment tool Franco-African.
- Boris Viallet (NGOs Acting for Life): Indicators of sustainable tourism for the SOHO and SME tourism in LDCs and DCs ;: selection, evaluation and impact.
- Djohary Andrianambinina (Cemotev / UVSQ): Impacts, challenges and prospects for ecotourism development in Madagascar. Ratings.
Workshop 4 (Room xxx) transfers of skills, local participation and decision making. What form of governance responsible for a project of international cooperation in the field of tourism?
Chair / moderator: Alain Vanneph (Cemotev / UVSQ)
Reporters: David Dumoulin (CREDA / Paris 3), Ghislain Dubois (Cemotev / UVSQ)
- ; Elena Ciccozzi (CREDA / Paris3): As for the donors: the life cycle of governance and ecotourism.
- Daouda Tall (Authentis Council): Cooperation internationale et tourisme responsible. Les conditions de l'efficacité.
- Milagros Hernandez (Université Nationale de Guyane Expérimentale / LIA, Venezuela): An approach for strengthening local management of tourism projects the framework of international cooperation. The situation in Ciudad Bolivar.
- Rafael Noreña (consultant / guide de tourisme): Training as a strategy for responsible tourism. USAID learned experiences in protected areas of Mexico.
Mercredi 1 er décembre 2010.
Matinée: 4 ateliers parallèle (à partir de 9h00)
Atelier 2a (salle xxx): du local au global. Coopération internationale, Modalités of valorisation tourism and territorial integration in the global tourism industry.
Chair / moderator: John Paul Minvielle (IRD)
Reporters: Daniel Hiernaux (UAM), Denis Requier -Desjardins (LEREPS / IEP Toulouse)
- Duterme Clara (LISST / Mirail University): The tourist route map as access. Development of a local discourse itself for tourists and international aid.
- Ndikou Gaye (University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar): Role of international cooperation in the joint development and tourism in a protected area in Senegal: the example of marine protected Bamboung in the Saloum delta
- Eric Kouakou Guy (University of Liege, Belgium): The constraints of the valuation of ecotourism Ehotilé Islands National Park (South-East coast of Côte d'Ivoire)
- ; Ngar-Odjilo Maraba (University of N'Djamena, Chad): Eco tourism on the margins. Enhancement Initiative to a territory in southwestern Chad.
- Discussion and preparation of the synthesis of workshop 1
Workshop 2b (Room xxx) from local to global. International cooperation, terms of tourism development and territorial integration in the global tourism industry.
Chair / moderator: Arnoldo Pirela (LIA / Cendes-UCV)
Reporters: Daniel Hiernaux (UAM) Denis Requier-Desjardins (LEREPS / IEP Toulouse)
- Jacques Le Marec (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Employment, the Tourism sector Office of International Partnerships): The implementation of projects of solidarity tourism for local development in Central America "
- Requier-Denis Desjardins (LEREPS, IEP Toulouse): Rural tourism / promotion of typical products in America latine: Quelles options de coopération internationale?
- Jorge Negrete (Université Catholique de Valparaiso, Chile): New destinations / nature tourism products and special interests for the region of Valparaiso.
- Taunay Benjamin (Université d'Angers): Potentialités villageois, tourisme et développement durable et solidaire à responsible Tangshangtun (Guangxi, China).
- Discussion and preparation of the synthesis of workshop 2
Workshop 3 (Room xxx ) Change assessment, indicators and feedback on experiences of international cooperation for responsible tourism. How to identify good practices?
Chair / moderator: Christian Helion (UVSQ)
Reporters: Vincent Geronimi (Cemotev / UVSQ), Elodie Salin (ESO / Univ. Maine)
- Christel Venzal (SET Lab / University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour): International cooperation and sustainable community tourism: analysis experience Geopark Network.
- Brianso Isabelle (AAJ / UVSQ): The development of cultural and natural Cuitzeo city and its region (State of Michoacán Mexico) in the framework of bilateral cooperation of good practice.
- Laura Martinez Rubio (Blue Plan): Network of actors and indicators for sustainable tourism in the framework of regional cooperation Mediterranean .
- Discussion and preparation of the synthesis of workshop 3
Workshop 4 (Room xxx): transfers of skills, local participation and decision making. What form of governance responsible for a project of international cooperation in the field of tourism?
Chair / moderator: Christian Girault (CREDA / CNRS)
Reporters: David Dumoulin (CREDA / Paris 3), Ghislain Dubois (Cemotev / UVSQ)
- ; Yamine El Soum and Yves Queguiner (CRT Ile de France): The development of tourism expertise francilienne through decentralized cooperation.
- Jean-Paul Amat (University of Paris 4, Patricia Fraile (Mines Paris Tech), Jerome Pelenc (CREDA / Paris 3): Networks of tourism stakeholders in Ile de France: What synergies local and international ?
- Sébastien Gadal (OVSQ / UVSQ): GIS - approaches and integrative tools of development projects and enhancement of tourism international multi- actors.
- Arturo Moreno (LIA consultant, Venezuela): Reflections on the creation of an observatory for tourism projects in the framework of international cooperation.
- Discussion the préparation et synthèse de l'atelier 4
12.00 -14h00: Déjeuner
Après-midi : Table ronde finale et Plénière (From 14h)
14:00: Organization of Round Tables and distribution of participants
three multi-stakeholder round tables are programmed with the idea of promoting a federation of regional observatories on tourism and its impacts.
1) Latin America Regional Round Table on "community tourism and international cooperation" (room xxx). Reflection around the case of Ciudad Bolivar and the Orinoco basin / other experiences in Latin America.
Coordination: Arnoldo Pirela (LIA / Cendes-UCV), Christine Gargasson (MaHoC)
Speakers: Ministry of Tourism of Venezuela, Ricardo Vitanza (COPDACBI, tourism, Municipe Heres), Arturo Moreno (LIA), Marisa Cova (UNEG / CENDES).
Discussants: Jacques Le Marec (Ministry Economy / tourism), Leonardo Maramara (Municipe Heres), Alain Hajjaj (CASQY), Jean-Marie Tétart (CG 78) ...
Frame Round Table:
Tourism and Community Tourism in Venezuela, local context of the Edo Bolívar and Ciudad Bolívar, legal, institutional, governance and local participation in the center history of Ciudad Bolivar, role of training ... Observatories and regional integration of tourism data.
Questions / comments by the audience related topics discussed.
2) Africa Round Table (Room xxx): micro-responsible tourism projects for cooperation and solidarity for sustainable development territories.
Coordination : Gilles Beville (MAE) Bernard Schéou (Univ. Perpignan / Cemotev)
Speakers: John Paul Minvielle (IRD), Julien Buot (ATES), Amandine Southon (Cemotev / UVSQ), Henri Dalbis (ICD Africa) ...
Discussants: Jacques Quensière (IRD), Jean-François Noël (Cemotev / UVSQ), Daouda Tall (Authenthis Council) Ndickou Gaye (University Cheikh Anta Diop), Ngar-Odjilo Maraba (University of N'Djamena)
Frame Round Table:
How to optimize the benefits of a micro-tourism project responsibility and solidarity to create a dynamic of development? How to spread over larger territories? With what means? How to implement? Relations with local authorities can enter into this framework.
Observatories and regional integration of tourism data.
Questions / comments by the audience related topics discussed.
3) Roundtable on decentralized cooperation for tourism development in protected areas peri (room xxx) intermunicipal corridor of sustainable development of the Metropolitan Area of Salta (Salta Province / Champagne-Ardenne), network MaB (La Campana RB / RB Fontainebleau)
Coordination: Eugenio Yunis (Fedetur), Didier Ramousse (Cemotev / UVSQ).
Intervenants: Francisco Lopez Sastre (Min. Environnement, Salta), Jorge Negrete (PUCV / RB La Campana), Jérome Pelenc (CREDA / RB Fontainebleau).
Discutants: Champagne-Ardenne Représentant (?), Patricia Fraile (Mines Paris Tech / RB Fontainebleau), the Soum Yamine (CRT Ile de France), Marie de Naurois (APPVPA) Jean-Pascal Dumas (CASQY), Sébastien veluto (CREDA / Paris 3), Liudmila Zamorshchikova, Olga Melnichouk (Université fédérale du Nord-Est)
Frame Round Table:
Institutional and organizational aspects, issues and procedures for tourism development of natural and cultural heritage (joint public / private), objectives and mechanisms of cooperation ( decentralized cooperation networks Unesco, university networks), regional observatories and data integration on tourism: draft international campus.
17:00 Final Plenary: restitution of work in workshops / Roundtables Proposals for the creation of regional observatories on tourism and its impacts (Amphi 2, Vauban).
Chair / moderator: Jacques Quensière (IRD)
Summary Reports on the workshops (10 minutes per workshop)
Round Table: towards a federation of regional observatories on tourism?
19.00: Base de Loisirs de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (Room Geese)
Following the symposium Coopintour, Association for Tourism Fair and Solidarity (ATES) offers a nice evening on the theme of " participatory links between tourism and proximity (here) and tourism fair and supportive (there) .