Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How Soon Does Doxycycline Work For Urethritis

May 5: Presentation of the book on Candoshi Peruvian Amazon

lupuna Association is pleased to invite you to a meeting with Alexander Surrallés the exhibition aims to paution of his book :

" En el sentido del corazon. percepciones, affectivity, accion en los Candoshi, Alta Amazonia peruana " IFEA-Ed IWGIA

In the northernmost part of Peru High -Amazonian Indians Candoshi , subgroup Jivaro Say "see with the heart, this body they believe is the seat of emotions, mind and heart of the person. The author develops from this heart analysis of the environment, social relationships and practices that highlight the variable intensity of perception and emotion. Long practice ground allows the anthropologist to relate the analysis of local theories of perception and the environment, showing how the two fields meet each other. It reflects the role of emotions in sociability Candoshi .

Wednesday, May 5 at 21h

House Latin America

217 Boulevard Saint Germain, 75007 - Paris
Subway: Solferino - Rue du Bac / Buses: