Film Fernando Valdivia Gomez (45 min)
projections in honor of the painter Victor bora Churay
Victor Churay is a Peruvian painter from the ethnic bora who devoted himself to represent the history and worldview of his culture. It is mounted Lima to perfect and expand his knowledge. There, he joined the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos . It is in the capital he may assert his true talent, and through his art, to discover culture bora a whole new world for many . Throughout his work, he wanted to develop the best possible way, both technically symbolic, and thus embarked on what he himself called " the Quest Blue " , the search for the perfect blue. Victor Churay has, in fact, often used natural pigments extracted from the forest. But this research also suggests ideas for him humanists such as freedom or justice. His quest is noble, but it has a price. This is the purpose of the film that we present this evening in his honor.
Friday, December 18th at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
House Latin America
217 Boulevard Sain Germain, 75007 - Paria
Metro: Solferino, Rue du Bac
Bus: contact: tel. 01 49 54 75 00 & 01 49 54 75 35